News Story
CECT Attends TERMIS World Congress
The Center for Engineering Complex Tissues (CECT) had the pleasure of taking part in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) World Congress in Kyoto, Japan. The event took place Wednesday, September 5 through Friday, September 7, 2018. The World Congress occurs every three years and brings together the Asia-Pacific, European, and American chapters of TERMIS for one international event. The event was a great opportunity for the Center to share its mission and research.
CECT Assistant Director Dr. Bhushan Mahadik and Associate Director Dr. Antonios Mikos were session chairs for Session 81: Multi-Scale Approaches for Complex Tissue Generation. Dr. James Yoo (CECT Co-PI) gave a talk during this session entitled ‘3D Bioprinting: Translational Pathway to Clinical Application.’ Mahadik also spoke during this session, giving a presentation entitled ‘3D Printing for Engineering Complex Tissues.’ The session and presentations helped increase awareness about the Center’s mission and generated interest about the Center, as well as opportunities to interact with future potential collaborators.
Published September 19, 2018